With the live action version of Iron Man coming soon, Hasbro is ready to release a decent sampling of action figures. The figures are 6 inches tall like the rest of the Marvel licensed toy lines. A theme with the Marvel properties is “6 Inch is Back!” and was sure to be repeated often like a mantra during the presentation of their new toy lines.
I’m not a huge Iron Man fan but the movie looks entertaining enough so I am very lukewarm on the toys. The larger, electronic 12 inch scale Iron Man came in two different varieties – Invincible Iron Man and Repulsor Power Iron Man. The sculpt was nice on these, the articulation – not so much.
Super Hero Squad for the Iron Man was of course to be expected.
And no decent super hero toy line would be complete with out some role-play accessories.
No bad guys where shown, not much other than Iron Man/Tony Stark variations, guess I’ll have to wait to till the movie to see what the Mandarian looks like.