Guyver 1
Bio Booster Armor Guyver was a manga series from the 80’s created by Yoshiki Takaya about an alien device that bonds with a human, forming the ultimate biological weapon.
I first discovered Guyver in 1993 from the old VIZ comics, but I’m sure most people remember the live-action Guyver movie from 1991 B-movie starring Mark Hamill (that’s LUKE SKYWALKER to you pal.)
Japanese toy maker Max factory made these cool but expensive action figures starting in 2005. Up until then I think the only Guyver figures were garage kits. These modern figures are known for their amazing sculpts, articulation, and high price tags.
The Bio Fighter Collection MAX Fullaction Figure Series features assorted characters from the Guyver series, and is unfortunately relatively unknown amongst collectors. While no bigger than a Marvel Legends figure, these figures can run upwards of $50 new.
This hyper-articulated figure features a body made out of hard plastic, with flexible rubber plates in strategic areas. This allows for a natural look while posing. This figure can pull off some really amazing, normal looking poses.
The figure comes with variant hands and longer arm blades.
The chest panel opens up to reveal the heart of the Guyver.
This figure comes from the collection of Matt Doughty of Onell Design fame. Thanks to Matt for letting me check out this figure!