Perfect Strike Gundam

Original MSRP: 4500
Toy Number: 135

Since it’s been ten years since Gundam SEED aired, Bandai has taken this opportunity to release Gundam SEED HD Remaster. Along with remastering the show, a few new scenes and mechanical designs were included in the show to encourage people to watch. One of the new designs included was the Perfect Strike Gundam.

Now, the Perfect Strike Gundam is nothing new in concept. A lot of fans of the series have equipped their models of the Strike Gundam with all three weapon packs before, but this is the first time it has actually happened in the fiction, which makes it pretty interesting. It actually adds a little bit more, by redesigning the backpack and including a set of giant battery fins along the back. Since Tamashii Nations already released on new Robot Spirits Strike Gundam toy, it only makes sense to do the new exciting version too.

There’s a lot to cover in this toy since it comes with a huge whack of stuff, so we’ll start with the base toy first. The first thing you’ll notice when you look at this toy is that the proportions look a little bit funny. This may be in part due to the fact that specifically with Gunda releases in the Robot Spirits line, they seem to want to make them look a bit more like the animation model. Because of that, Strike’s face isn’t as sharp as the lineart or the model kit, and its torso section is a bit long. The colors are also bit brighter and more saturated than they have appeared previously. Despite that, it does still look pretty crisp and spot on.

 Perfect Strike 01

Perfect Strike 02

Perfect Strike 03

The articulation on this guy is pretty excellent. The Strike’s clean design allows for a great range of motion on all of the toys. The torso joint seems like it wants to move, but instead it just kind of wiggles uselessly.

 Perfect Strike 05

Perfect Strike 4+

Strike Gundam comes with quite a few standard weapons, like the shield and beam rifle. I have to say I downright hate how the Strike’s shield pegs into the arm. It’s a peg on a super thing piece of plastic that requires you to bend it in order to remove it. Every time I take the shield off, I’m scared I’m going to break the toy.

Perfect Strike 06

Perfect Strike 07

Strike also comes with the Armor Schneider knives. They don’t fold up or store in the skirt armor, but they’re there.

Perfect Strike 08

A new accessory is the bazooka. It’s big and oomfy, and surprisingly articulated, with moveable hands and adjustable grips on the side as well. All of the magazines on the back can be removed as well.

Perfect Strike 9

Perfect Strike 10

The meat and potatoes of this toy though is the Perfect Weapon option, which pegs right into Strike Gundam’s back. It truly is a gigantic piece of plastic and makes the toy very unwieldy, making a normal standing pose very difficult. Add some additional shoulder armor for the Launcher and Sword weaponry, and Strike Gundam becomes a walking anti-ship-cutting beam-cannon-shooting monster.

Perfect Strike 11

Perfect Strike 12

Perfect Strike 13

The gunpod shoulder armor doesn’t do much unfortunately due to its limited functions in toy form. But the Sword shoulder armor is much more useful and fun, featuring a removable beam boomerang along with an anchor in the shield which can be attached to a poseable wire.

Perfect Strike 14

The big part of the Perfect weapons pack though are the two giant weapons. First being the giant beam cannon known as the Agni. The gun is attached to the backpack using a set of balljointed arms. These easily pop off though so it’s better just to get the gun in Strike’s hands, and then attach the arm. Or you could just forget about it too.

Perfect Strike 15

It’s big, impressive, and can be held with both hands easily thanks to Strike’s articulation.

Perfect Strike 16

Also included is the Schwert Gewehr anti-ship sword. Think about that phrase for a second. Unfortunately the stock sword is a little bit small in size compared to its powerful name.

Perfect Strike 17

Perfect Strike 18

Thankfully, Tamashii Nations has you covered and allows you to go all Masami Obari on this toy! A second sword is included that is near 50% larger than the original. It’s much more stylized and very great for that one Masami Obari pose.

Perfect Strike 20

You know, that one pose.

Perfect Strike 19

Strike Gundam also comes with the standard ridiculous starburst stand that all of the SEED releases have included so far. Considering how heavy the toy is, Perfect Strike Gundam really needs it.

Perfect Strike 21

Perfect Strike Gundam is great. It comes with so many accessories and display options its downright ludicrous at times. For Gundam SEED fans, this one’s a no brainer and highly recommended. The only reason I could see someone not wanting this, is if you really hate having to deal with a whole bunch of spare parts. But hey, that’s what Glyos baggies are for.  

Perfect Strike 22

Perfect Strike 23

Perfect Strike 24