
Original MSRP: 16,800
Toy Number: MP-29

Laserwave is the Japanese name of Shockwave, who was initially released in the first wave of the original Transformers. His original design was taken from a toy known as “Astro Magnum” by ToyCo.

This legendary character now sees Masterpiece form thanks to Tomy (Formerly TakaraTomy, formerly Takara)

The box is the typical sturdy Masterpiece box, but inside i’m a bit let down by the flimsy plastic tray.


Laserwave is packaged in gun mode. To use the electronic accessories, you need to add 2 AA batteries and 2 LR44 batteries. Each is hidden behind a panel that needs to be unscrewed.


This coiled hose needs to be connected. In the vintage version, this hose contained wires to conduct power to the electronic parts of the barrel.


Right out of the box I notice that the purple is much lighter than I remember of the original. The original was a much deeper purple, but this is colored to match it’s animation counterpart. Another thing i noticed is that the muzzle that is removable on the original toy is now a part of the transformation. To display it in gun mode, there’s a part with a clear stand.


Also, like the original, there’s a flip-up targeting scope.


The trigger is really tiny. Maybe it was cold outside? If you bump it the wrong way it tucks up into the body. SHRINKAGE!


It feels a bit small in my hand (that’s what she said)


Pulling the trigger sets off a pulsing purple light. Prince would have loved this. It lasts for a short while then stops. No sound is played.


Transformation is interesting but not too complicated. It is reminiscent of the original transformation, but with some added benefits of modern engineering. The muzzle folds into the backpack where it was just left aside in the original toy.


The connecting bar to the muzzle section is diecast metal.


For a more streamlined and anime-accurate look the base converts into a cover for the muzzle on the back.


In robot mode, Laserwave stands at about 9″ tall. Glyos for scale.


Articulation is good. There’s a click-up joint in the waist that once utilized gives Laserwave a substantial waist joint. Toes are diecast.


Things are clicky.


Clicky is good.


The arm with the gun has a small panel for the 2 LR44 batteries (not included). Pressing a button activates the same pulsating purple light.


The light-piping in the head is pretty awesome. The head pushes back into the body too easily, but people tell me that i’m just not pulling on it hard enough (That’s what she said).


Another set of non-translucent hands are included, again for anime accuracy.



Also – both a clear and solid “Saluting” hand is included.


The opening hands have a little groove in them for the miniature “Laser Vulcan” cannon, which is basically just Laserwave playing with himself. A nice touch is the fabric rope standing in for the power cable.



The Decepticon symbols are stickers, and two sets are included: one for a cartoon accurate symbol and one for toy-accurate.


Also, a bio card that I cannot read.


I really like Laserwave. It’s a great toy. But it brings to light something that confuses me about the Masterpiece line. It’s this attempt to satisfy both the fans who want anime accuracy and toy accuracy, and not to fully commit to one or another. For me, I never got too into the cartoon / movie / comic book of Transformers, so what I am looking for is a modern representation of the toy I had as a kid. Because of this, I am let down by the color of Laserwave. I wanted him to be dark purple, just like the one I knew as a kid. I only need the clear hands, and I wish it made a noise along with the light. But I also understand that the characters are important to Transformers fans. Including two sets of hands or two sets of stickers is a good compromise, but what do you do when the colors are so different? I think it’s things like this that keep me from committing to the line. Perhaps in the future they will release a version in more toy-accurate colors.

Regardless, Laserwave is a fun toy, that feels toy-like and not just some fragile collectable. If you take my cranky-pants old man ranting aside, you can tell that I actually really liked it.