Beam Rifle

Original MSRP: 1000

There are some things that you see pop up on the internet from time to time that make you just go, “Man, I need to own that.” And then I usually get distracted by other shiny things that I want to own and promptly forget about them. This was one of them. And when I happened to see this along with its partner piece at a dealer’s table at Anime Weekend Atlanta, I had to have it.

It’s the RX-78’s beam rifle. And it’s also a water gun. Need I say more?
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Of course after buying it I promptly tore it out of its packaging and ran to the nearest sink and filled this baby up. I then immediately started irritating friends by shooting them with it.
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Detail wise this is actually a pretty decent likeness of the iconic beam rifle. The sculpt is simple, but crisp.
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The handle and scope can be rotated left or right for user preference.
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There’s a little cap on the top that you can flip up to fill the gun up.
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It looks a little tiny in the hands of an adult, but there’s something cute about it in that regard. It’s a fun novelty item, and I’m more than happy to own it.
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