Veritech Fighter

Original MSRP: 114.99

Standing at seven inches tall with eighteen points of articulation these figures are meant to be “Super Poseable”. Capable of being put in extremely dynamic poses these figures are meant to replicate the look of the animated series.


Super Poseable is a bit misleading as the legs are permanently set apart from each other in a wide stance so no neutral pose is possible. The wide stance forces you into only three or four different distinct poses. The feet do not have much swivel in them either so that limits the poses as well.


If they had put the hip joints on ball swivels and made the feet rotate forward and back a bit more this would have fared a bit better as a Super Poseable.


Paint detail is good and looks like Max Sterling’s VF-1J from the show but without transforming it doesn’t have a lot of playability. It looks good on the shelf or desk at work paired with a couple of others but that’s it.


Originally costing $14.99 I was able to grab a set of the first wave on clearance for much less. If you can grab a good deal it is worth grabbing if you are a Robotech / Macross fan, otherwise it’s a pass even on clearance.