The Legendary Gundam property returns with toys and action figures based on its 26 year history in its native Japan. First introduced to the United States market six years ago, Gundam proved an international phenomenon, and Bandai America Incorporated is expanding its reach with an extension of the Gundam Seed toyline in 2005. This years assortment features an expanded battle-scarred action figure line and the action figure model kits that have anchored the property since its inception.
The Gundam section at Bandai was desolate. No 12" figures or high-end model kits. No person giving a sales pitch. No SD Gundam anywhere to be seen. The deluxe figures get new packaging, and new arch-enemies are planned, but not on display. Bandai is still promoting / supporting the line, but you can tell it is not their priority. Basically, my opinion is that this was Bandai's attempt to sell the toyline to retailers... If they pick it up, we will see new Gundam in stores. If not, then it's over.
Skill Level 1 Gundam Seed Action Figure Model Kits Each Action Figure Model Kit builds a 5" action figure with over 18 points of articulation. Model kit pieces are snapped together without glue; over 65 multi-colored parts. |
Skill Level 2 Gundam Seed Action Figure Model Kits Each Action Figure Model Kit builds a 5" action figure with over 20 points of articulation. Model kit pieces are snapped together without glue; over 70 multi-colored parts. Medium size pieces allow for more of a challenge in model building. |
Skill Level 3 Gundam Seed Action Figure Model Kits Each Action Figure Model Kit builds a 5" action figure with over 25 points of articulation and 80+ multi-colored parts. These higher-grade kits feature smaller pieces and customizing decals to customize your action figure model. |
4.5" Action Figures Each action figure has over 14 points of articulation and comes with its own unique weapons and armor. Based on the Gundam Seed series, over 30 characters can be collected to build your own team of mobile suits to defeat the enemy. |
4.5" Deluxe Gundam Seed Action Figures Each action figure has over 20 points of articulation, includes weapons and armor, and features a unique action feature. (Missile firing, transformation, etc.) Over 10 Characters to collect. |
4.5" Deluxe Gundam Seed Battle Scarred Action Figures Each action figure features over 20 points of articulation and comes with its own unique weapons and interchangeable battle damaged parts to recreate battles from your favorite Gundam scene. Includes a battlefield environment or diorama. |
4.5" Gundam Seed Mobile Suit and Action Vehicle Each Includes a 4.5" action figure with over 20 points of articulation. Combine with the action vehicle to transform into various battle modes. |
7.5" Gundam Seed Action Figures Each 7.5" action figure with has 30 points of articulation, comes with its own unique weapons and action feature. |
Arch Enemy Series Gundam collectors will be thrilled by Bandai America's Arch Enemy line of 7.5" extremely detailed action figure. Each action figure with has 30 points of articulation, and Includes various weapons and accessories. Two arch enemy rivals from each series will be released for this high end collector line. |