Hasbro had a strong presence this year with a new license; Marvel Comics characters. Marvel character toys are slated for release starting January 2007. The Marvel Legends line from Toybiz continues with Hasbro, and includes the 'œbuild-a-figure' feature. The first line consists of The White Queen, the Planet Hulk version of the Hulk, Ultimate Iron Man, XMEN III movie Beast, Hercules, Banshee, and Yellow Jacket. The build-a-figure from this line will be Annihulus.
Marvel legends
The 2nd lineup will include She Hulk, Magento as Xorn (w/ removable helmet), XMEN III movie edition Jean Grey, Quicksilver, Thor, and Ultimate Wolverine. The build-a-figure will be The Blob. Yeah, you heard me, The Blob.
Marvel legends
Marvel is also bringing back a fan favorite in 8' cloth costume figure much like the Mego World's Greatest Heroes, and Toy Biz's Famous Covers called the Signature Series. The figures shown are only prototypes, and I've been informed that the costumes themselves will be much better fitting on the actual production pieces.
Spider Man Origins - Spider Man
Spider Man Origins - Green Goblin
Spider Man Origins - Doctor Octopus
The Spiderman Origins line has figures in scale with, and on par sculpt wise, to the Marvel Legends line and focuses on the many costumes of Spiderman.
Iron Spider Man
Spider-Man 2099
Spider man
Green Goblin
There will also be a Spiderman version of the Operation board game. I kid you not!
Spider Man Operation
For information on any of these toys please visit http://www.Hasbro.com/