Generally we like you, the author, to know your stuff, and to be able to put it in your own words. But sometimes you have to go look for resources, and you find some other site has already written a pretty good bit of text on something you would have had to research. What to do? Well, here is a guide for use of text and images on CDX.

Can I use an image from another person's site?

NO. Unless the following criteria are met:
  • The image owner has given you express permission to use it. In that case, do not add a watermark, and add a line that credits the author with a link if required
  • The image is licensed under a Creative Commons license that allows it
  • The image is from an on-line auction and a reasonable attempt has been made to contact the owner.
  • The image is of a promotional nature, supplied by the manufacturer or its public relations firm

Can I copy text from another persons webpage?

NO. Unless the following criteria are met:
  • The author has given you express permission to use it. In that case, add a line that credits the author with a link if required
  • The image is licensed under a Creative Commons license that allows it. Wikipedia allows such quoting, and a CDX requirement is a link back to the page it is from. However, please do not copy the entire page. Try to limit excerpts to 300 words or less.
  • The text is of a promotional nature, supplied by the manufacturer or its public relations firm. This is usually text from press releases, manufacturers websites, etc.

Can I hotlink Images?

Use discretion. Hotlinking is discouraged in original content, but frequent in comments. The original source could disappear, or a malicious host could replace the image with something inappropriate. Hotlinking from friendly sites is usually ok.

Can I use screenshots when reviewing DVDs?


Can I scan pages from a book to review?

No. Proper etiquette here is to contact the publisher for some sample pages to publish. Another option is to physically take a picture of the book open to a page you want to show.

Someone has used text or images from my content on another site. What can I do?

First, email Josh and let him know. All content on CollectionDX is covered by copyright, and as such, sites do not have permission to use our content. However, we are pretty liberal with use of our work, provided credit and a link to us is given. If you do not wish for us to allow that use with a disclaimer, let us know, and we will make our best attempt to contact the infringing site and remove it. Our images are frequently stolen and used in on-line auctions. CollectionDX NEVER allows use of our images in online auctions, EXCEPT when they are the photos taken by that user. For example, if a user reviews a toy and later wants to sell it on eBay, they may use the images they shot for CollectionDX (without watermark). If you notice an image of ours is used without permission, contact Josh will then contact eBay on your behalf.

How do I use quoted material in cdx content?

Even if the content is allowed under the above guidelines, content must be prepared in a way that indicates clearly that it is not our original content. Please use the following format when quoting text: From Wikipedia:
"Quoted text is both indented and italicized. To indent text, surround it with the <blockquote>BLOCKQUOTE</blockquote> tag. To italicize text, Surround it with the <i>I</i> tag. Be sure to surround the text in quotes."
For images, add the image to the gallery but DO NOT use a watermark. Below it, add in italics Image courtesy of Flickr User Steve. Then, leave some space before your next paragraph. The exception to this is Press Images supplied do us directly from the Manufacturer or PR firm.

How do I quote news from another site?

When you create a news post, there is a field at the bottom for source. Paste the URL of the source in there if you are writing original content and using images attached to the article. If you are QUOTING another news source, you must credit the source in the beginning of the article, and italicize and indent the quote as shown above.

Why are you being so uptight about this? Isn't it public domain if it is on the internet?

Nope. As content creators, we value the hard work that is put into our content, and as such, we should value the hard work that others put into theirs. Granted, most of the time nobody will notice or nobody will care, but I care, and I want to be sure CDX is doing the right thing and setting a good example. The admins reserve the right to reject any content that we feel violates on anyone's intellectual property.