Everyone loves one robot or another, so Aural Films and CollectionDX are calling on all music makers to submit new tracks for our ROBOTS independent music compilation album project. 

We are looking for your electronic music *named* after your favorite robot. Please do not submit an unrelated track, it MUST be named after a robot you like. We don't care what kind of robot it is. Be it appliances, mechas, cyborgs, androids or whatever, it is all fair game as long as it is *your* favorite robot.

The compilation is open to any style of ambient, electronic, experimental, and popular music. All tracks must be original and owned by the artist.

When completed, the album will be available to download by anyone for free or name your own price if you chose to contribute to the sponsors.

The deadline to submit tracks is June 15, 2013 with planned release date of Monday July 5, 2013.

Follow the instructions below to prepare your track and submit it us:

Track Format:

+ Length: 1 - 10 Mins 
+ Encoding Formats: Aiff , Flac, or Wav

Track Info:

Artist Name:
Track Name:
Home Town:
Web Site URL:
Download URL:

Email track above Info, no attachments, to us at: S4Grecs@gmail.com

This project is sponsored by:

CollectionDX - http://collectiondx.com/
Aural Films Records - http://auralfilms.bandcamp.com/