You can blame Mark Nagata for this one. When I met him this summer out in San Francisco, I saw this guy in his desk. He was absolutely beautiful, maybe one of the nicest Hedorah sculpts I had ever seen. It was molded in translucent orange vinyl, stood about 8" tall, was reasonably articulated (arms, head) and included a cool little smokestack accessory. There were four versions of this toy released: BB Version, Green Eye Version, Pink, and Pink Eye version.
Hedorah has quickly become one of my favorite classic kaiju, and really the only modern vinyls I have bought lately have been of this character. Can one have too many Hedorah? I know for sure I can’t. Toho needs to get its act together and bring this monster back. A lot of Godzilla fans say Godzilla VS Hedorah is the worst Goji flick but I can’t get enough of it.
Hedorah has a neat feature that is really drawing me into the world of "Artistic" kaiju vinyl – when you smack the head it activates two blinking lights (one in each eye). It makes a really stunning effect, and adds some value to the vinyl.