Due to be released in August – ARX-8 Laevatein is an Arm Slave, a fictional mecha from the light novel, manga, and anime series Full Metal Panic! written by Shoji Gatoh and illustrated by Shikidouji. The series follows Sousuke Sagara, a member of the covert anti-terrorist mercenary group Mithril, tasked with protecting Kaname Chidori, a spirited Japanese high school girl. It first saw action during the events of the series’ eighth novel. The figure is 5-6″ tall and has 50 articulation points with 10 joint parts. “Revoltech ARX-8 Laevatein” comes equipped with interchangeable accessories and parts (such as 1 demolition gun, 2 shot guns, 2 single molecule cutter [x2 cutter storage], 2 anti-tank daggers, 1 optional shoulder [x3 shoulder protect.] & robot arm, 1 optional pair of sunglasses, 5 optional hands, 1 optional head and 1 display base). SRP: $28.00.

Revoltech ARX-8 Laevatein from Full Metal Panic!