Curated by the Harold Golen Gallery and hosted by Miami Beach’s prestigious Art Center of South Florida, Kaiju Monster Invasion is a multidisciplinary art show whose primary focus is the artistic interpretation of Japanese kaiju – giant beasts from the golden age of Japanese film and television. The group gallery show features amazing artwork an impressive list of “low-brow” and pop surrealist American artists, plus internationally acclaimed artist from Japan. This combination provides a rare occasion for bringing the best of the East and West interpretations of kaiju under one roof. Many participating artists are regular collaborators with STRANGEco, including Mars-1, Jim Woodring, Mark Nagata, Ron English, Amanda Visell, Attaboy, Anthony Ausgang, Brian McCarty, Bwana Spoons and scores of others.

The Kaiju Monster Invasion show will also feature a special retail shop with a host of special edition items produced by STRANGEco and designed by artists participating in the show – including never before seen items by Jim Woodring, Mars-1, Ron English, Anthony Ausgang, Amanda Visell and others.

Opening Reception: Wednesday December 3rd, 2008 8:00pm-10:00pm
800 Lincoln Road, Miami FL 33139