Some cool news last night from Executive Replicas as they announced on their Twitter and Facebook pages four cool new monster figures. I’m not sure of the release date or price yet, but I’m gonna guess “late” and “expensive”…. but in the case of at least 2 of them, “worth it”!
First up, Boris Karloff as “Mord”, the executioner from the underrated classic The Tower Of London!
While I personally like Mord since I have very fond memories of my first viewing of that movie, I think the one most people will want more will be this next one, Karloff as “Fu Manchu” from The Mask Of Fu Manchu!
These next two are from the “Icons of Horror and Sci Fi” series. Not sure how into this series I am, but I gotta admit, this one will be tempting….the man himself, Lon Chaney!!!
Lastly, the son, Creighton Chaney (aka Lon Chaney Jr.)