Momotaros Imagin

Original MSRP: 25,500

As most of you know, I don’t follow the Kamen Rider series. I’d love to, but there is just not enough time in the day. The same goes for Bandai’s S.I.C. series: They look great, but I only have room for so many different toy lines in my collection. SIC unfortunately got the cut. But after meeting sculptor Takeuki Takeya I gained a new respect for the line and his work. While I still don’t have room to collect the line, the opportunity came about to review this one and I took it.


This particular S.I.C. is a Tamashii nations exclusive from Autumn 09. The normal version is red, this one is a milky translucent white. It arrives courtesy of Anime Export.


The character is Momotaros, one of the four Imagin – good demons that switch bodies with Kamen Rider Den-O to fight against the bad guys. At least I think so. When you see the regular version of this figure he looks like a demon or “oni” – you assume he is a bad guy. But then you see him posed at a dinner table, just hanging out, then he doesn’t look that menacing.


The S.I.C. line has come a long way from the early kikaider releases which were pretty much statues. These are fully poseable figures with Marvel Legends style articulation. And while the name has “Chogokin” in it, the toys barely do. On this toy, the only metal is on the toes.



It’s a good thing the figure is cool as hell, I can overlook the lack of metal here. Articulation is insane, it can pull off pretty much any pose you want. There are almost no accessories aside from variant hands and variant face masks. Actually, Momotaros looks great with no mask at all!





If I have any complaint about this figure, it is that it may almost be too articulated – the joints get loose with repeated posing and it makes holding a pose difficult.


Of course there is also the issue of it being a limited edition release, so that can be a bit frustrating.


This sample came from Anime-Export, who somehow manages to get the Tamashii Exclusives in stock. If you want one, that’s where I would start looking.
