Datas Hyper

Original MSRP: 5,500

Datas is a character in the 34th Super Sentai show, Tensou Sentai Goseiger. I’m not Eva Unit 4A, but here is a description of the series from him:

“The Gosei Angels are beings who have secretly defended life on Earth for thousands of years, lead by Master Head. While human in appearance, they are usually not seen as they move among us. The road between Earth and Gosei World is Heaven’s Tower- a massive structure which hangs upside down from the clouds. Unfortunately, an empire of aliens, called Warstar, has chosen Earth as their next target, and they have destroyed the Heaven’s Tower in a preemptive strike! Now isolated on Earth, five Gosei Angels-in-training must learn to cooperate with each other, and bring the powers of their three tribes, Skick, Landick, and Seaick, together in order to defeat Warstar, as the Tensou Sentai Goseiger!

Headders are life-forms that appear as the flying heads of animals. When united with a robotic body, they become mecha known as Gosei Machines. The Goseiger each have access to one default Headder, representative of their tribes, but when needed, the Gosei Machines can combine into gigantic humanoid warriors to fight the minions of Warstar.”

DX Datas Hyper appears courtesy of HobbyLink Japan

Sounds pretty epic right? Now check this guy out.

Does he look like he fits in? To me he looks more like he belongs in Robocon than Super Sentai.

The box is suprisingly sturdy, much more solid than the US Power Rangers releases.





There’s a reason for his appearance. He’s modeled after a Cardass machine, a series of video game machines in Japan. These machines are activated with playing cards that are included with each toy in the Goseiger series. The player slips their card into the machine to begin playing the game with that character. This particular machine is the “Super Sentai Battle: Dice-O” game.

In Cardass mode, you can turn on the switch in front and he makes a noise when activated. Turn the dial on the front to hear an assortment of phrases from the character, none of which I understand.

The display is simulated by sliding one of the Data Cards into the slot on the left. There are two cards included.








In this mode it is a block. Besides the sounds, it does nothing, but you can transform it and get…




Kawaii desi ne? Look at those eyes! Three sets of eyes are represented on the cards, and all you have to do is slide in a card to change his expression.



To transform, simply fold out the arms on the sides, and pull the legs down and out.

The sound effects remain unchanged in this mode. The only articulation here is in the arms.

Wait, Datas comes with a shark-style Headder called “Hyper Change Headder” that enables Datas to form Datas Hyper!



To transform into Datas Hyper, fold the top of the robot down and place the Headder on the connection point and unfold the sides. A sound will ring out, and then you can unfold the longer arms and attach the bottoms to the legs.


Now Datas Hyper is a true super robot!



In this mode Datas Hyper has a different set of sound effects. Other than the sound, he has no action features. As the Goseiger toys are all designed to be combined together, if you have other toys from the series you can combine for even greater modes:

  • Datas Hyper + Mystic Brothers =  Mystic Datas Hyper
  • Datas Hyper + Skick Brothers + Seaick Brothers + Landick Brothers + Gosei Great = Hyper Gosei Great
  • Datas Hyper + Skick Brothers + Seaick Brothers + Landick Brothers + Knight Brothers + Groundion Headder + Gosei Great = Ground Hyper Gosei Great

Unfortunately, as I don’t collect Goseiger, I don’t have any of these toys. Click on the links above though, and you can see the craziness you can create.

On its own, it’s a neat enough toy. I mean, how many transforming arcade games are there? The real value is what it adds to your existing Goseiger collection. If you have the other toys in the series, this is a no-brainer.



You can get your DX Datas Hyper at HobbyLink Japan
