Finally, here we are. Constructor is the Combined mode of Toyworlds 6 robot Constructor team. Since this is a review for the combined mode of the entire team, rather than a regular product review, ill skip right to the good stuff.
Transforming the individual bots to combined mode is relatively easy. Most of Constructors parts are made up of slightly modified alt modes, so getting there isn’t very hard.
Articulation is where Constructor really shines. He has an enormous range in his hips and elbows, and even sports an ab crunch. His hip armor swings to the side, and his hips move forward to allow for extra range. On top of that, he has working pistons in his hips and knees. Both his elbows and hips feature sliding armor that reveals internal detail. The hands are just fantastic. They swivel side to side and forward and backward. the fingers have three joints each, can spread out wich allows from some very dynamic “grabbing’ poses. Its nice to see that Toyworld took advantage of the parts forming to include a lot of extra detail and articulation that may not have been possible without it.
Articulation is lacking in two areas. Forward ankle range wich is effectively zero, and his shoulders. His shoulders have decent range, but it is an absolute chore moving them. The shoulder joint has to be pulled out to be rotated, and the bots that make up the shoulder like to come untabbed with the force required to move them.
Constructor has LED eyes and a slide down visor.
At just shy of two feet tall, Constructor is MASSIVE. It’s really hard to grasp just how big he is from pictures. His enormous scale is one of the best things about him, but it also comes with some draw backs. Stability is probably Constructors weakest area. The figure does not have great balance. The majority of his weight is above the waist, meaning that getting Constructor to stand in anything but a static “A” pose can be tough.
All in all, I think Constructor gets more right than it does wrong. It has a few issues, but what combiner doesn’t? Despite his flaws, he looks absolutely incredible and is a ton of fun of pose with other figures. If you have the room in your collection (and budget….), Constructor is sure to turn heads.