
Original MSRP: 14.99

Transformers RID 2015 has proven to be a bit of a mixed bag in terms of figures with their generally solid design juxtaposed by really lacking paint and some pretty blatant cost cutting measures. Starscream hasn’t seen as G1-inspired a design as this in a show in years, and I really like the design. The wide Dorito body shape, shoulders evocative of his kingly purple shoulder pads from the movie, and wings draped downward like a cape are very welcome additions that help accentuate his longing to seem confident to his peers. Considering the line this figure comes from, naturally there are lots of hollow parts that look pretty bad, especially the undersides of his lower arms! It just comes off as cheap and lazy, but I guess that’s to be expected on RID 2015 figures.



Articulation is good but nothing more, basically just the same as most RID 2015 Transformers. Not a huge complaint however, it would just be so great if he had a waist swivel!

The articulation does come to good use with his two null rays. They are gunmetal gray and a little small, which is fine considering they make great dual pistols!



Starscream is pretty tall and very wide when compared to other 5 or 6 inch figures. I think it’s very fitting.


Transformation is interesting to a point but might seem like kind of a mess at first, but believe me it isn’t. The legs fold up on double joints, and the shoulders swing down to plug into them. The wings fold toward, and the nose folds out to cover the head. This can be a little tricky, as the clearance required can be hard to achieve.

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The jet mode looks great from the top, more of a blocky version of animated Starscream, but as soon as you look at it from any other angle, you can blatantly see the arms and those huge shoulders sitting in an unsightly way under the wings! Disappointing, because I really think this mode would look great given the right undercarriage silhouette!




That’s really all I can say about this RID 2015 Starscream, get it for the robot or vehicle design and maybe not much else. The transformation is boring, articulation unimpressive, and the paint is cheap and lacking. Maybe this figure is for Starscream fans only.