Ewoks Wicket and Logray

Original MSRP: 7.99
Toy Number: 550383.00

I don’t have a lot of love for Ewoks, but you can’t deny that the POTF2 line did right by them. These could slip right in to your vintage collection and nobody would notice.

Ewoks Wicket and Logray came backed together on one card, for the same price as one figure. It’s a miracle.

Ewoks Wicket and Logray

Ewoks Wicket and Logray

Ewoks Wicket and Logray

Ok, Wicket looks a little meaty here. Perhaps a tad bit more aggressive looking than I usually see him. The cowl is a separately molded rubber piece.

Ewoks Wicket and Logray

Ewoks Wicket and Logray

Logray has a separately molded hat and pouch, with a medicine man staff.

Ewoks Wicket and Logray

Just a great set that proves your figures can be very TOY-like and still be collectors items if you want them to be. These came out during the collecting frenzy that sparked modern-day toy collecting, but they are still very much kids toys.