Chikkun Takkun (チックンタックン) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Shotaro Ishinomori. It was adapted into a 23-episode anime television series by Studio Pierrot and aired on Fuji Television from April 9, 1984 to September 28, 1984. The series revolves around an alien duck named Chikkun and his advisor Takkun, trying to stop an alien mad scientist from invading Earth.
This character is Gijigiji (ギジギジ), a robot spider. Pettan (ペッタン) is a term that refers to suction cup or sticky, so Pettan GijiGiji is the name of this sticky spider character. The box is awesome.
This spider only has six legs, but he’s a robot, so we can give him some slack. Each leg is on a ball joint at the body and a swivel joint at the knee.
Four of the feet have suction cups, the middle two have magnets! In theory you should be able to adhere this to any smooth surface. The years have taken its toll though, and the suction cups have reacted poorly with the styrofoam. The magnets do still work great though!
The other gimmick is a lever on the back that moves the head dome side to side and also “chatters” the teeth. Sadly, this is broken also. I now understand why these are so cheap all over YahooJapan auctions!
It’s all plastic, but the plastic is a nice high quality. It doesn’t feel cheap at all. It’s held together with screws, so maybe someday I will open it and see if I can fix it.
Included with the toy is a mini comic / catalog!