Trains really are the way to travel. I’m writing this from the Amtrak Acela express somewhere in Connecticut. After years of driving to Toy Fair we’ve decided to switch to train and couldn’t be happier. I wish I lived in an area with more train service as I would take it everywhere. It’s one of the many reasons why I love Japan – the trains run everywhere.
Getting to the station was an adventure. I thought I left myself time by getting up at 4:30 in the morning, but after all was said and done I didn’t get on the highway until six. The train station is about an hour from my house and my train was due to leave in 55 minutes.
I made the mistake of not using my GPS and doing it from memory, as my memory said it was just off the highway. I remember literally seeing it from the highway, but of course it began to snow and visibility dropped quickly. It was early and the sun had not come up yet. I saw a sign that said MBTA Exit 14 (MBTA is the Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority, or the “T” for short.). Little did I know that the T station and the Amtrak station were not one in the same. I was so frustrated I was literally banging on my steering wheel screaming “WHERE THE FU@K IS THE TRAIN STATION?”
I have some anger issues.
Anyway, thanks to the GPS on my phone I found it with minutes to spare and got a seat. I took a small nap and now here I am in Connecticut, somewhere near New Haven.
The plan is to immediately check into my hotel in NYC, drop my stuff in the room, and then meet Chachipower at the Hasbro Showroom. There we will listen to a few hours of presentations and get to ask questions, and from there we enter the showroom.
As always, stay tuned to the website, or follow us on twitter @collectiondx for updates!