We discuss the latest news and reviews as posted to the site for the week ending December 15th, 2011. In news we talk Transformers Fall of Cybertron trailer, Redking and Godzilla. For reviews we highlight some Batman themed Micromen, Metabee and Leo Aioria EX. For Blind Boxed Josh and Adam discuss their picks for Holiday gifts.


Transformers: Fall of Cybertron VGA Cinematic Trailer

Redking by X-Plus

Godzilla (1964 Godzilla vs. Mothra version) by XPLUS 


Microman Batman and Batgirl


Leo Aioria EX

Blind Boxed - Holiday Gifts!

Josh's Picks!

Glyos Figures

Thundercats figures

Nekobot Santabot USB

Toynami Jumbo Shogun Warriors

Max Gokin Big O

Adam's Picks!

The Outer Space Men

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

Star Wars: The Old Republic