To celebrate the success of Sony Pictures Television anime series Astro Boy, and the launch of the new toyline from Bandai America, creative heavyweights from both companies are gathering to examine the history of the Astro Boy phenomenon with a look at the character’s origins and his most recent incarnation. Producing, writing and voice talent will be on hand to answer questions, sign autographs, and join in the festivities.

Additionally, representatives from Bandai America will unveil the new toyline, Sega will showcase its upcoming Astro Boy videogame, and Astro himself will pose for pictures.

Astro Boy airs Saturdays at 8:00 pm ET/PT on Cartoon Network.

Saturday, June 26, 2004 Schedule

  • 12:00 pm Screening of original black and white Astro Boy cartoon, followed by screening of never-before-seen episode from new Astro Boy series
  • 1:00 pm Panel discussion and Q&A with talent behind the new Astro Boy series
  • 1:40 pm Unveiling of Bandai America’s Astro Boy toyline at Bandai Shop/Talent autographs

The event will be held at the Metreon – A Sony Entertainment Center, on Level 2. Located at 101 Fourth St. (at Mission), San Francisco, CA 94103