The kendo prodigy “Tamaki Kawazoe,” is based on a Japanese manga series known as “Bamboo Blade,” written by Masahiro Totsuka, and illustrated by Aguri Igarashi. The series tells the story of a Toraji Ishida, a luckless high school Kendo instructor, who is challenged by his former upperclassman, also a kendo instructor, to a competition between their female students. The bet inspires Toraji to gather and train a team of five girls. Fortuitously, at this time he meets Tamaki Kawazoe, a gifted young female kendo practitioner. The figure is a 7″ tall PVC figure fully painted in a window box with accessories (display base & cat).

Bamboo Blade “Tamaki Kawazoe” will be available in October with a SRP of $82.00.