The following questions were answered by Michael Ritchie, Global Brand Marketing Director, G.I. Joe. Thanks to Michael for answering our questions (and humoring us!)
questions by CDX staff Modcineaste:
1) I believe the current issue of the GI Joe 25th anniversary is a fantastic line and I see many young kids as well as adults collecting the series but will hasbro continue releasing GI Joe A Real American Hero 80’s scale for us original collectors of the series? I absolutely loved the Three figures and original Marvel comics sets that came out a few years ago (in fact I picked one up today). Will we see any more of these types of sets?
Thank you! In the second half of 2009 all of our resources will be dedicated to the movie and introducing the fantasy to a new generation of kids. Beyond 2009, Hasbro will continue to evaluate all options.
2) I would absolutely love to see a set of Both 25th anniversary and ARAH style figures of the most rarest non USA issued GI Figures: Red Laser (UK), Cobra de Aco (Brazil), Glenda & Cobra Mortal (Argentina).It would be great for the USA market to officially recognize these great and elusive mystery figures. I know they are simple recolor figures but to slightly remake them into there own would be great! Perhaps as an International Heroes and Villains series.
Most rare non-USA figures are difficult to sell in large quantities in the USA. While we will continue to do tributes (like Glenda) we will not release an entire international line of classic 80’s figures in 2009.
3) Is Hasbro open to the idea of licensing other non-G.i. Joe film/video game/Animation characters using the 25th Anniversary or ARAH style bodies. I always liked when Hasbro released Street Fighter II figures, it seemed like the tip of the iceberg that was never fully exploited.
For the near term our focus will be on rebuilding the GI Joe fantasy and will not be looking at licensed figures to bring into the line.
4) And just for fun! Figures I would like to see: the Dreadnaught need a tattooed 50’s style greaser code named Flathead with a switchblade and a
beat up primer grey 50’s Chevy or Ford style car armed with missiles and machine guns. It would be way cool to have a GI Joe Astronaut African-American Female, something the original line never had. I always though if GI Joe had an African American female she would be the pilot of the Crusader Shuttle. Rock and Roll with a long ZZ-Top type beard like the comic book. Like the file card states He’ll have to come with a bass guitar! Last but not least a A 1982 dark blue style Cobra Officer/Soldier female assassin squad figure with black face mask and such.
That’s not a question, but yes that would be fun.