It seems most big companies are now setting up days that are reserved for collector media only. Hasbro had their collector media day Saturday afternoon, and we had the fortune of being there. It's an interesting scene - all these fanboys crowded in this tiny exhibit space, literally pushing each other out of the way to get shots of the latest Star Wars figures. The Transformer section was desolate compared to the Star Wars sections. Let's take you through the showroom You are first led in through the Playskool area, where they have the Mr. Potato Head display. Among them were the Star Wars Potato Heads '“ Darth Tater, Spud Trooper, and the new Artoo-Potatoo that comes with a small holographic Princess Tater. I keep waiting for this to get old, but it just keeps amusing the hell out of me. Bring on Tater Fett! Transformers Cybertron Primus For Matt, There was a My Little Pony display as well, including some clear ones. How long do you think it will be until someone on ToyboxDX buys one, cuts of the head, and fills it with glow pellets? My Little Pony We also passed by the creepy Fur-Real pony. From the Hasbro release: BUTTERSCOTCH MY FURREAL PONY (Approximate Retail Price $299.99; Recommended Ages: 4 & up; Available: Fall 2006) "Mom, can I have a pony?" is a question that parents have heard from little girls for generations. This year, Hasbro's FURREAL FRIENDS brand gives girls the next best thing! BUTTERSCOTCH MY FURREAL PONY is a life-sized plush miniature pony that loves to be groomed and cared for. BUTTERSCOTCH has many features similar to that of a real pony, including moving eyes, ears and head, soft fur coat and a swishing tail. Through sensors, BUTTERSCOTCH can feel when she is being groomed and will move her head toward you, and may whinny or snort. The more you touch her, the happier she becomes. Just like a real pony, BUTTERSCOTCH loves carrots and can be 'œfed.' Hold the pretend carrot to her face and she will open her mouth for it, or shake her head 'œno' if she has had enough. Kids can even sit on BUTTERSCOTCH. With built-in microphones, she can even respond to noises around her. Say something and she'll turn her head to find you. BUTTERSCOTCH MY FURREAL PONY Your kids will want this. And you will have a hard time saying no, because you spend $299 on a 4-inch diecast robot without thinking about it. When you finally get to the Boys area the first thing you come across is the Titanium series. These are basically diecast representations of Ships, vehicles and figures from various lines. Up until now, these have been just Star Wars, but now they are branching out to Transformers and Battlestar Galactica. Star Wars had the usual assortment of ships and figures, but what stood out to me was the Boba Fett figure. What is remarkable about this figure is that it comes with a Removable Helmet. This is the first time (That I know of) that Boba's face is going to be shown (as an adult anyway). They could not show us the face there, but they said that it basically looked like Temura Morrison, only very scarred. I can't wait to see this. I was also really impressed by the Titanium IG-88 and Bossk. We need a 4-Lom, NOW! Are you listening Hasbro? Titanium Star Wars Boba Fett Titanium Star Wars IG-88 Titanium Star Wars Bossk Transformers had both the Autobot Ark and Decepticon ships in titanium form. The Autobot Ark looks suspiciously like the old Milton Bradley Starbird toy. The coolest thing they had was a 6-inch Transforming Optimus Prime and Megatron from the War Within comic series, made out of diecast. These were fully poseable and transformable. Optimus looked great, but Megatron looked terrible '“ I think he was mis-transformed. I'm not so familiar with the character, so I can't be sure. Also on display were smaller, fixed pose Titanium series Transformers. Titanium Transformers Titanium Transformers Optimus Prime Titanium Transformers Megatron Battlestar Galactica had a few entries in the Titanium line, but all were from the new series. They had 2 versions of the Galactica itself '“ a small version and a 6 inch version. Also shown were a small viper and raider. Titanium Battlestar Galactica Hasbro's Toy Fair exclusive this year was a gold Titanium Darth Vader Tie Fighter. That night, I checked ebay just for kicks and there were already 3 for sale, with prices reaching $75. Next up was the star wars display, and this was clearly the line people were there to see. It was chaos in that area '“ everyone jockeying for position to get their shots. On display were Prototypes of new 3 ¾ figures. Themed releases focus on characters from classic clashes from Episode I through Episode VI, including the Battle of Carkoon, the Battle of Hoth, and the Battle of Endor. The 2006 collection includes a mix of kid and fan favorites, and each character includes a bonus mini hologram figure! As part of the 'œUltimate Galactic Hunt,' there will be 'œchase' versions of a few select characters that will be packaged in premium foil-treated packaging. Notable new figures are a new Hammerhead and the Talz Jedi Foul Moudama. They also had a Stormtrooper with George Lucas' head, and a purple decorated Jedi Fighter. The Smaller Unleashed line was also on display, featuring scenes from the battle of Hoth, and a bunch of Wookies. Star Wars Saga Foul Moudama Star Wars Saga Collection George Lucas Star Wars Unleashed Star Wars Transformers were on display, and personally, I still don't like them. Your mileage may vary. They are smaller than I thought they would be. I like the vehicle forms, but the robot modes are just silly. The big combining Millennium falcon was on display; made of Robot versions of Han Solo and Chewbacca. Is this line necessary? I mean, I know both Star Wars and Transformer fans will buy pretty much anything, but I can't see this line doing well with collectors. Star Wars Transformers Millennium Falcon Moving on, we have GI Joe and the Sigma Six line, along with some of the smaller figures. G.I. Joe Sigma Six I don't follow the line much, but they had some cool battle armor on display. The COBRA MANTIS MECH (w/ DESTRO figure) was nicely designed. G.I. Joe Sigma Six Attackix is another merging of the Star Wars and Transformer Franchises, where you can pit Darth Vader against Optimus Prime. The representation of the characters is just too out there for me, with figures like a pregnant Padme holding a giant shoulder mounted bazooka. Meh. Attacktix Star Wars BDaman continues to be a hit with the young boys, but there is virtually no interest in the collector markets. B-DAMAN Finally we get to Transformers, and it was so quiet you could hear crickets chirp. On display were the new Alternators Mirage and Optimus Prime, as well as several of the previously released ones. Mirage looked excellent. Prime looked a little bulky. Transformers Alternators Mirage Transformers Alternators Optimus Prime Beast Wars 10th Anniversary was on display; most notable were the new Optimus Primal and Megatron figures. Other figures got updated paint apps and looks like updated head sculpts. I never liked Beast Wars, but if you do, get your wallets out. The Optimus Primal and Megatron are due fall of 06. Transformers Beast Wars 10th Anniversary Optimus Primal Transformers Beast Wars 10th Anniversary Megatron The figures all come with a part that when you collect all the parts, you can make a bonus figure. Transformers Beast Wars 10th Anniversary Transmutate The main line was Transformers Cybertron, and there were a ton of figures on display. Read the press release to get a better handle on the figures, but stand outs were the planet sized PRIMUS, and the METROPLEX figure. Transformers Cybertron Primus Transformers Cybertron Metroplex We saw some cool figures from Super Robot Monkey Team hyper Force Go. Some nice action figures and role play stuff. One thing noticeably absent '“ THE ROBOT! They did have the two vehicles that made the feet of the robot on display, but they did not look like they connected to anything. Bummer. Super Robot Monkey Team Super Robot Monkey Team Transformers Cybertron Primus Artoo-Potatoo B-DAMAN BUTTERSCOTCH MY FURREAL PONY Super Robot Monkey Team Super Robot Monkey Team Attacktix Star Wars Titanium Battlestar Galactica Titanium Transformers Megatron Attacktix Star Wars Admiral Ackbar Transformers Alternators Optimus Prime Transformers Cybertron Metroplex Star Wars Unleashed Transformers Beast Wars 10th Anniversary Transmutate G.I. Joe Sigma Six G.I. Joe Sigma Six Star Wars Transformers Millennium Falcon Star Wars Saga Foul Moudama Titanium Star Wars Boba Fett Titanium Battlestar Galactica Star Wars Saga Collection George Lucas Artoo-Potatoo My Little Pony Transformers Alternators Mirage Transformers Beast Wars 10th Anniversary Megatron Transformers Beast Wars 10th Anniversary Optimus Primal Titanium Star Wars IG-88 Titanium Battlestar Galactica Titanium Battlestar Galactica Titanium Battlestar Galactica Titanium Transformers Titanium Transformers Optimus Prime Artoo-Potatoo Titanium Battlestar Galactica Titanium Star Wars Bossk Hasbro Showroom Frenzy Titanium Battlestar Galactica Zoom Box Attacktix Intergalactic Showdown B-DAMAN Attacktix Transformers Attacktix Transformers Attacktix Transformers Omega Supreme Attacktix Transformers Attacktix Transformers Omega Supreme Attacktix Star Wars Jabba the Hut Attacktix Star Wars IG-88 B-DAMAN Star Wars Transformers iCat Attacktix Transformers Titanium Star Wars Stormtrooper Super Robot Monkey Team Super Robot Monkey Team Heroscape Super Robot Monkey Team B-DAMAN G.I. Joe Titanium Transformers Megatron Star Wars Transformers Shuttle Titanium Transformers Megatron Super Robot Monkey Team Mt. Tiki-Soki Titanium Transformers Optimus Prime G.I. Joe Sigma Six Star Wars Transformers Titanium Star Wars Star Wars Saga Emporer My Little Pony G.I. Joe Sigma Six Transformers Beast Wars 10th Anniversary Transmutate My Little Pony B-DAMAN Transformers Alternators Transformers Cybertron Metroplex Transformers Cybertron Galvatron Titanium Transformers G.I. Joe Sigma Six Super Robot Monkey Team Star Wars Saga Collection Star Wars Saga Death Star Gunner Transformers Beast Wars 10th Anniversary Rhinox Titanium Star Wars Droid Tri-Fighter G.I. Joe Star Wars Saga R5-D4 Transformers Cybertron Primus Titanium Star Wars Jedi Fighter Titanium Transformers Optimus Prime Star Wars Unleashed Darth Tater Transformers Alternators Optimus Prime B-DAMAN Super Robot Monkey Team Transformers Alternators Mirage Titanium Transformers Titanium Star Wars Boba Fett Transformers Cybertron Prime Super Robot Monkey Team Transformers Alternators Optimus Prime Super Robot Monkey Team Zoom Box Zoom Box Transformers Beast Wars 10th Anniversary Optimus Primal Super Robot Monkey Team Transformers Beast Wars 10th Anniversary Megatron iCat FOLDIN’ ART Puzzleshots factory VCAM NOW B-DAMAN Magnami Heroscape B-DAMAN Super Robot Monkey Team iCat Star Wars Saga Han Solo VCAM NOW Star Wars Saga G.I. Joe Sigma Six Roger and Attacktix idog Spud Trooper Star Wars Saga Luke Skywalker Toy Story Star Wars Saga Collection Star Wars Mace Windu Jedi Starfighter Star Wars Transformers oozinator Transformers Alternators Mirage Titanium Star Wars Clone Trooper Star Wars Transformers Shuttle Titanium Star Wars Transformers Cybertron Soundwave Transformers Beast Wars 10th Anniversary Transmutate Transformers Cybertron Primus idog Spud Trooper Star Wars Saga Titanium Star Wars Republic Cruiser idog Titanium Transformers Optimus Prime Box Back text idog Star Wars Saga Titanium Star Wars Boba Fett Transformers Beast Wars 10th Anniversary Waspinator Transformers Beast Wars 10th Anniversary Waspinator Transformers Cybertron Titanium Star Wars Darth Vader Star Wars Saga Star Wars Transformers Transformers Cybertron Swindle Transformers Alternators Mirage Titanium Star Wars Millennium Falcon Transformers Cybertron Transformers Cybertron Unicron Titanium Transformers Optimus Prime Transformers Cybertron Backstop Transformers Cybertron Transformers Cybertron Transformers Cybertron Wreckloose Transformers Cybertron Transformers Cybertron Transformers Cybertron Transformers Cybertron Titanium Transformers Optimus Prime Box Back Transformers Cybertron Star Wars Transformers Transformers Cybertron Transformers Cybertron Star Wars Unleashed Transformers Cybertron Transformers Cybertron Transformers Alternators Mirage Transformers Cybertron Zoom Box Transformers Alternators Prowl Transformers Cybertron Transformers Alternators Sunstreaker Transformers Alternators Rollbar Transformers Cybertron Transformers Alternators Tracks Transformers Alternators Skids Transformers Cybertron Transformers Alternators Prowl Transformers Alternators Tracks Transformers Alternators Sunstreaker