
It has been said that the Clone Wars was the most successful Boys Property in 2008, but you wouldn’t know it by the amount of effort put into the presentation at Hasbro. According to the presenter, more than half of the line was not ready to be shown at Toy Fair, but would be shown at Comicon.

Even without the key items at the showroom, its clear what the coolest items coming up are.

You can’t ignore the Turbo Tank. The thing is pretty freakin’ massive. It’s got ten wheels, lights and sounds, detachable gunner port, opening insides, launching speeder bike and more. At the show, they told us a cool little story about this. When the Turbo Tank was designed by Lucasfilm, they did not design the inside. When Hasbro went to make the toy, they were the first to design the insides, which then Lucasfilm approved and it’s now the basis of the inside of the vehicle in the Clone Wars.

P2140790 P2140792 P2140793 P2140795

Shown in the presentation was the new Y-Wing from the clone wars. This is basically how the Y-wings looked before they were stripped of all that armor. The toy has room for two pilots, an astromech, features lights, sound, and missile firing gimmicks. As a bonus, there are also doors on the back that open up to reveal missile launchers. This is a MUST HAVE for me.

0002-YWing 0001-YWing%20Canopy

Other vehicles include the

  • ARC-170P2140798
  • Magnaguard Fighter P2140826.jpg
  • TX-130 Republic Fighter Tank P2140828.jpg
  • Vulture Droid P2140833.jpg

Mini-Rigs are back, with vehicles “inspired by” ones seen in the TV series. The best one out of the lot is the Crab Droid, hands down. Awesome. Included in this line will be:

  • Anakin Skywalker with Can-Cell
  • Battle Droid & Scout Tank
  • Clone Trooper with BARC Speeder P2140832.jpg
  • Crab Droid

Clone Wars figures are going strong into 2009 with 37 new figures planned, most in the back half

Wave 1

0003-Padme 0004-R3S6%20Goldie 0001-Magna%20Guard%20Droid 0002-Orange%20Clone%20Troop 0005-Space%20Clone%20Troope
  • Padme Amidala P2140819.jpg
  • Clone Trooper (Space Gear)
  • Clone Trooper
  • Magnaguard
  • R3-S6 (Goldie) P2140814.jpg

Wave 2 (April)

0004-Kit%20Fisto 0002-Green%20Clone%20Troope 0001-Battle%20Droid%20Jet%2 0003-Jar%20Jar
  • Kit Fisto
  • Jar jar (Bombad Jedi) P2140811.jpg
  • Clone Trooper
  • Battle Droid (Jet Pack)

Wave 3(August)

0003-Commander%20Gree%201 0001-Admiral%20Yularin 0002-Arf%20Trooper 0006-Mace%20Windu 0005-Jawa%202%20Pack 0007-Super%20Battle%20Droid
  • Mace Windu P2140809.jpg
  • Admiral Yularen
  • Commander Gree
  • ARF Trooper P2140808.jpg
  • Jawas
  • Super Battle Droid P2140810.jpg

Wave 4(Late August)

0001-4%20A7 0007-Yoda 0003-Commando%20Droid 0006-Whorm%20Loathsom 0005-Obi%20Wan%20Space%20Su 0002-Clone%20Echo%202 0004-Obi%20Wan%20Space%20Su
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi (Space Suit)
  • Clone Trooper Echo
  • Commando Droid
  • Yoda
  • Whorm Loathsom
  • A-47

Wave 5 (Late September)

0001-SW_876380792_91266_cd2 0004-SW_876380792_91268 0003-SW_876380792_91267_b 0002-SW_876380792_91267
  • Anakin Skywalker (Space Suit)
  • Ahsoka Tano (Space Suit)
  • Clone Trooper Denal
  • Cad Bane

Figure and Vehicle Packs will include Turbo Tank Gunner Crew and Count Dooku with Speeder Bike

Build-A-Droid figures are back, as well as battlepacks. There will be exclusives for Wal-Mart and Target.

Wave 1 of the Droid Factory will include parts to build U-3PO

Emperor Luke-with-Prosthetic-Hand BuildADroid_U3PO Captain-Needa Ugnaught Hoth-Rebel-Trooper-1 Hoth-Rebel-Trooper-2
  • Luke Skywaker (Medical Frigate) P2140805.jpg
  • Princess Leia (Medical Frigate) P2140806.jpg
  • Emperor
  • Captain Needa
  • Hoth Rebel Soldier P2140804
  • Ugnaut P2140799

The Hoth Rebel Soldier and Ugnaut will be sold in two different assortments, and there will be two versions of each.

Wave 2 (June) will build HK-47 and includes:

259070-HK-47-Build-a-Droid Obi-Wan Concept Anakin Beru Lars Owen-Lars Owen Lars Beru-Lars
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • Owen Lars P2140802
  • Tarados Gon P2140801
  • Captain Typho
  • Beru Lars
  • Concept Art Series Anakin Skywalker

Wave 3 (September) will build L8-L9 and includes:

Rum-Sleg Obi-Wan Padme Ratts-Tyerell Darth-Sidious-Hologram Gungan-Warrior
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • Queen Amidala
  • Gungan Warrior
  • Darth Sidious Hologram on Mechano Chair
  • Rum Sleg
  • Podracer TBD

Fall will also have a mail in program for Qui-Gon Jinn and Eopie

Walmart gets some more Droid Factory Exclusive 2-packs.

  • Anakin & Cortosis Battle Droid
  • General Grevious & CB-3D
  • Darth Maul & I-5YQ
  • Boba Fett and BL-17
  • Corran Horn & Whistler

Get all the sets and you can build a HUGE Dark Trooper Phase II.

Star Wars Comic Packs returns with figure sets from the following comics

  • Legacy #22 includes Darth Krayt and Imperial Knight Sigel Dare P2140820.jpg
  • Star Wars Tales #21 includes Kyle Katarn & Yuzhan Vong P2140822.jpg
  • Marvel #96 includes Luke Skywalker and Lumiya! P2140824.jpg
  • Marvel #94 includes Meoulkeech, Machook, Ketth (Walmart)
  • X-Wing Rogue Squadron #1 includes Nrin Vakil and Ibtisam (Walmart)
  • Empire #16 includes Lt. Sunber and Amanin (Walmart)

New Battlepacks were announced

Star Wars Evolutions 3-Packs will be Walmart Exclusives in Sept. and will be

  • Evolution of the Commandos:
    • Fi Skirata (Omega Squad)
    • Alpha-17
    • Imperial Storm Commando
  • Imperial Pilots #2
    • V-Wing Pilot
    • EpII Clone Pilot
    • Imperial TIE Fighter Pilot
  • Rebel Pilots #3
    • John D. Branon (Red 4)
    • Shira Brie
    • Jake Farrell (A-Wing Pilot)

Scramble on Yavin will include Red Leafer Garven Dreis, R5-K6 and a Rebel Ground Crew member. P2140823.jpg

Jabba the Hutt set (Clone Wars ver) will include Jabba and TC-70 P2140821.jpg

Geonosis Assault comes with two Ep II Clone Pilots and a ball turret that can attach to the gunship

Search for R2-D2 (Clone Wars) includes Gha Nachkt, Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker and IG-86 Assasin Droid

Star Wars Transformers continued for some ungodly reason.

Mighty Muggs become Toys R Us exclusives

Comic-Con Exclusive will be “Smiling” Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot which includes a ladder for the X-Wing.

Geonosis Arena Figure Pack will have six figures and cool packaging, available in October only at Target.

Those cool RC Tomy Astromech droids will be coming to the states, those should be pretty cool. They will be Target Exclusives