Square-Enix makes some gorgeous figures, including the fantastic Play-Arts line, but honestly the light was so bad it was hard to see whats what. One of the cooler things as this giant cycle that looks like is made out of two humanoid characters intertwined. The detail on these things are amazing. Unfortunately we don't really follow Final Fantasy too closely, so just oogle at the sweet pictures. P2151273 P2151287 P2151269 P2151291 P2151282 P2151271 P2151288 P2151290 P2151275 P2151289 P2151270 P2151296 P2151295 P2151272 P2151281 P2151274 P2151276 P2151277 P2151284 P2151285 P2151297 P2151283 P2151286 P2151292 P2151294 P2151293