Whomever thought of this line was a genius. Take Mego style classic monsters and mix them up with presidents and other political figures. The result is pure awesome. IMG_9487 IMG_9488 Spirit of 76 IMG_9495 Doctor Benjamin Frankenstein IMG_9496 Algor IMG_9497 Jacksferatu IMG_9498 Yeti Roosevelt IMG_9499 Lincolnstein IMG_9501 Baracula IMG_9502 Wolf Bill IMG_9503 The Ronmey IMG_9504 Phantom of the White House IMG_9505 Monster from the Watergate Lagoon IMG_9506 Zom-Bush IMG_9507 Van Palin IMG_9508 Hilvira IMG_9509 General Eisenhowler IMG_9510 Jimmy Pea-Nuts IMG_9511 Romney the Robot IMG_9512 Headless S grant IMG_9513 FrankenFord IMG_9514 Martian van Buren IMG_9515