Play Arts Square-Enix had some impressive finished figures along with some incredible looking prototypes just screaming to be painted and finished. IMG_8944IMG_8946 The popular Halo figures continue this year and look great! IMG_8950IMG_8951 IMG_8953 They teased us with some Man of Steel coming soon. IMG_8954 IMG_8955 This Heath Ledger Joker has some great detail. IMG_8959IMG_8961 DC Superheroes look great. IMG_8964 IMG_8965 IMG_8966 IMG_8967 IMG_8968 IMG_8957 IMG_8958 Kingdom Hearts IMG_8972 IMG_8973 IMG_8974 IMG_8975 IMG_8976 Devil May Cry IMG_8978 IMG_8979 Street FIghter IMG_8980 IMG_8981 IMG_8982 IMG_8983 IMG_8984 IMG_8987 Resident Evil IMG_8985 IMG_8986 Zetman IMG_8991 Check out the whole Square-Enix gallery here