NECA had a lot of great stuff on display, but keep in mind the large scale figures are scaled-up prototypes. Let's take a look at some of the upcoming goods. Predator P2160207 P2160208 Terminator P2160209P2160210P2160214P2160215P2160216 Nightmare on Elm Street P2160217 P2160218 P2160220 Clash of the Titans P2160219 P2160221 P2160222 P2160223 Jonah Hex P2160224 P2160226 P2160227 Street Fighter P2160231P2160239P2160233P2160234P2160235P2160236 Bioshock P2160244P2160245P2160246P2160247P2160248P2160249P2160250P2160251 Others... P2160211P2160212P2160213P2160237P2160230P2160228P2160237P2160238P2160239P2160240P2160241P2160242P2160243P2160252P2160253P2160254