Series: Dragon Flyz
Dragon Flyz is a French-American television program created by Savin Yeatman-Eiffel and produced by Gaumont Multimédia. It ran for approximately two or three years, airing both in Europe and in syndication in the US with a TV-Y7-FV rating. The program centered on a coalition known as the Dragonators (a combination of “dragon” and “aviators”), a set of humans who ride on Dragon-back in search-and-rescue operations. A line of toys named DragonFlyz, based on the series, was released by Galoob. The simple nature of the show was balanced by a refined art direction by future Dragon Hunters (film) director Guillaume Ivernel, and by references to classic Sci-Fi concepts in Yeatman-Eiffel’s scripts, himself the future creator of Ōban Star-Racers.