Series: GoBots
Challenge of the GoBots also known as Mighty Machine Men is an American animated series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions, based on the toy-line released from Tonka. Most of the toys were imported from the Japanese toy line Machine Robo.
The initial Gobots toys were re-releases from the Japanese Machine Robo series, sold on blister cards. Other toys from the Machine Robo DX were also released as ‘Super Gobots’. Tonka also created a number of original toys for the line, such as the Command Center, Thruster attack ship and the robot dinosaur, Zod. The initial Gobots were released in 1984.
The Gobots were divided into two factions, the Guardians and the Renegades. Unlike in the Transformers toy line, there was no clear divide between the two factions; the toys had no identifying insignias or markings to indicate their allegiance. Likewise, there was no commonality of design within each faction. The only “theme” to a side was that anything that turned into a “monstrous” looking robot or vehicle was a Renegade.
As the line continued, Tonka added new toys, including the Power Suits and the Secret Raiders. A spin off line, the Rock Lords was launched in 1986, but it was a failure. The Gobots line was discontinued in 1987, with the Dread Launchers being the last toys released in the line.
Gobots were sold in Australia under the name Mighty Machine Men. (Wikipedia)