Series: Turn A Gundam
∀ Gundam (called Turn ‘A’ Gundam) is a 50 episode series that aired between 1999 and 2000 on Japan’s FNN networks, created for the Gundam Big Bang 20th Anniversary celebration. It was also compiled into two feature-length movies titled ∀ Gundam I: Earth Light and ∀ Gundam II: Moonlight Butterfly.
It was directed by Yoshiyuki Tomino, who had written and directed a number of previous Gundam works as the main creator of the franchise. This series was made after Tomino had recovered from his depression that influenced Victory Gundam, and the general tone and mood of Turn A is much more hopeful and less dark than his other Gundam series. Still, with the fact that Tomino has not lost his touch, it is considered by many who have seen the show fully to be the last grand Gundam show and the only one that he ever enjoyed working on out of all of his Gundam endeavors. (Wikipedia)