On Saturday April 20th 2009 Silicon Valley Scale Modelers (SVSM http://www.svsm.org/) hosted their annual Kickoff Classic Exposition ‘09 model contest and show at the Santa Clara Convention Center. With over 550 models entered by 132 modelers, the energy was high and the models were fantastic. IMG_0850 IMG_0838 IMG_0835 IMG_0918 SVSM is associated with the International Plastic Modeler’s Society (IPMS) and if you are not familiar with IMPS it is an international Model club devoted to plastic model building with hundreds of local chapters throughout the world. I am associated with the local IMPS Ontario, CA chapter that meets at the Ontario Police Department. The beauty of IMPS is that it is not devoted to one type of genre but most anything that could be built out of plastic kits such as, but not limited to, tanks, Sci-fi, Gundam, airplanes, ships, figures, cars and submarines. IMG_0794 IMG_0799 IMG_0817 IMG_0810 Our local Ontario IMPS http://www.ipms-ontario.org/ chapter decided to get a small group together and drive up to Santa Clara and support their club. The kits at the show were amazing! One of the highlights of the show was when a gentleman named Jim Lundt who brought 122 seaplane models to display at the show. The centerpiece of his collection was a 1/72 scale Hughes Aircraft Hercules “Spruce Goose” with a scale Howard Hughes standing on the aircraft. IMG_0912 IMG_0917 IMG_0889 IMG_0916 A modeler even brought in a large scale Yamato. No, not THAT Yamato…well sort of not that Yamato, but the original WWII configuration before it was redeveloped for the space journey. My favorite was the light up Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde figure kit, it great what a couple of lights will do to improve a kit! IMG_0808 IMG_0898 IMG_0801 Rows and rows of tables filled up the convention center floor and if it was not kit entries on those tables it was model kits and their dealers surrounded by the punters trying to get a deal on that old Revell or Hawk kit. I picked up quite a few deals including MPC classic X-Wing fighter kit, the Aurora Godzilla reissue kit, Academy’s 1/72 Catalina PBY Pearl Harbor, and Monograms classic P-47D in 1/48. I also won an awesome 1/32 scale Dragon Sherman tank at the raffle contest. IMG_0832 IMG_0925 IMG_0920 We had a blast, and although your truly did not win any awards, one member from our group walked away with best of show. Job well done and I am looking forward to Kickoff Classic ’10. IMG_0798 IMG_0809 IMG_0814 IMG_0815 IMG_0818 IMG_0820 IMG_0803 IMG_0842 IMG_0829 IMG_0860 IMG_0807 IMG_0876 IMG_0806 IMG_0830 IMG_0903 IMG_0873 IMG_0841 IMG_0862 IMG_0802 IMG_0822 IMG_0855 IMG_0863 IMG_0894 IMG_0895 IMG_0897 ©2009 article and pictures Leonardo Flores and CollectionDX.