SOTA had on display prototypes for their new Micronauts Evolution Series, featuring Space Glider, Lobros, and Baron Garza. Although these are large, fixed pose prototypes, the final versions of the figures will be 6-inches tall with multiple points of articulation and interchangeable parts.
We were blown away by the detail in SOTA's Nightmares of Lovecraft line.
Street Fighter continues to be a huge hit. The figures are 6" tall, to be in scale with the Marvel Legends line. You can re-enact all your favorite Marvel vs Capcom moments!
Sota's Now Playing Series 3 will consist of figures based off of the classic movies LEGEND, DOG SOLDIERS, DUNE and THE THING. This is the first series that will include the release of a boxed set recreating a classic scene from a movie. The first scene being recreated is the Dog Kennel confrontation from THE THING. This third series is also the first to incorporate actor?s likenesses into the line, that of Kurt Russell as R.J. MacReady and Kenneth McMillan as Baron Valdimir Harkonnen.
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