Alien Warrior
Haha alright let’s just get this out of the way – ALINE WARRIOR? ALINE? Come on guys, this is embarrassing. It’s that way on the website even.
The toy comes with the usual – two variant hands, a stand and two stand connectors.
This one comes from the 1986 movie ALIENS, which as we all know is awesome. This is patterned after the generic warrior that infests the station. You never get that good of a look at them to know if this is accurate or not, so I am just going to say that it looks great. There’s a subtle paint wash over it that looks nice.
Like all the others, he’s got a cool bendy tail. This one has the same basic articulation as the others, but is actually missing the toe articulation that the others have. Still missing rocker ankles, but that’s the entire line really.
Big jaw opens, little jaw comes out. How cute.
While he looks awesome, there’s an issue with the hips. The engineering here is the issue, it consists of two separately moving pins that connect from the crotch to the legs. They move independently so they wiggle all over the place and leave a ton of room in the hip socket, which is ugly.
Nothing is broken, and the figure still poses fine, but this is a head scratcher of a design choice with no real value.
I do like that you can do things like this:
He can also do a neutral pose reminiscent of the original Big Chap alien.
Here’s the variant hands that I will never use.
There’s a battle damage variant that we’ll review separately.