
Prepare yourselves for a series of reviews about some of the oddest toys I own. Prepare for the Sacred Beast Legend of Bioroid!

Who can forget the legendary battles between the Heroic Trianforce and the Evil Deltaforce? Or was it the other way around? Either way, it doesn’t matter, because these odd little toys never made it to the states. These third-string transformers were made by obscure Japanese toy company HERO, and were a rather unusual take on the transforming toy genre.

Each toy in the line features an animal mode and a human, beating out the Animorphs by about 10 years. Lets take a look at a member of the Deltaforce – Asurah.

Asura is the Commander of Deltaforce. He’s the evil leader.

  • Role: commander
  • Length: 27.52m
  • Maximum diameter: 1.55m
  • Weight: 4,350kg
  • Maximum speed: 191km / h
  • Armament: duplicate type beam gun

The Bioroid boxes are pretty great, almost misleading. The art depicts a much better toy than whats actually inside.


And what is inside? An odd-looking battle cobra. It’s more like a representation of a cobra as depicted as an ancient idol. It’s got an opening jaw and lovely chrome stickers on either side.


The all-plastic snake is light and the seams are ill-fitting. Adding chrome weapons to the sides turns your ordinary snake into a vicious battle cobra!


Humanoid form is rather stupid looking. Panels don’t really move out of the way enough and it ends up with pieces of the snake shell limiting movement. Stickers are mis-aligned.


I mean, look at this thing from the back.


I do love the fact that it is in fact a humanoid head, making this some kind of half-human half-robot hybrid (that turns into a snake).


Really, it’s just a weird concept with poor execution, but I can’t help but be interested in it. What were they thinking?


The Bioroid line had 10 toys released out of a total 18 planned and shown in the catalog. Each character has a backstory, bio, and statistics. If you know Japanese, you can figure out the 400 year old curse, and how Asura was awoken in 2030 by archeologists.