Baltan Seijin

I just came from in Uptown Whittier and I’m so drunk. I’ve never written a Toy review while I was drunk so here it is.

Baltan Seijin

This is a Soft Vinyl Baltan Seijin from Ultraman from 1983. I really don’t know much about this Vinyl… but I think his weapon is Lobster breath…Andrew and Jeremy from Destroy all Podcast should know everything about this guy, ask them if you have any questions.

Baltan Seijin
Baltan Seijin
Baltan Seijin
Baltan Seijin

My friend Steve found it at a thrift store along with the Ultraman Family, I sold those on Ebay but I kept this Lobster Kaiju because it was too cool. I think I traded some Northern Soul records for it. Japanese Vinyl toys are the best in the world next to the Apollo Peanuts Snoopy Vinyls from the Mid 1960s and It’s my favorite Vinyl I own. BTW I’m listening to Harry Nilsson’s The Point you should buy the CD and watch the cartoon as well.

©2009 article and photos by Leonardo Flores & CollectionDX