Boba Fett: Real Action Doll Collection (Empire Strikes back version)

Original MSRP: 49.99

I always look for die cast collectibles and came across this one for around fifty dollars including shipping. It is made by Tomy Direct and is a die cast body frame with cloth and plastic pieces. The box is a standard window with a plastic tray.

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When you lay the pieces out you have to play dress up. It is annoying the first time, but after done once, it is easy to redo.

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My arm was not in the sleeve right and when I tried to pose, I forced the peg out of the hard rubber joints and had to to strip him down to fix!


When complete it looks great, and has such intricate detail I loved the look.

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The design flaws are that the feet and hands don’t lock in, so he falls over every two seconds with his feet and/or hands often coming off.

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The jet pack is rubber and the jets do swivel.

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He comes with his hand laser and blaster rifle.

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Even has Wookie braids, insignia, cape, files in pockets. No details are missing!


But and there is a huge BUT…it literally falls apart whenever you do any kind of minor posing (guns never stay in well). If the metal arm slips behind the gauntlets you have to undress and redress to fix. It is like some other modern chogokin, all show no go. Me, I like it. It displays well and has die-cast heft. To many, it could be a floppy mess that may drive you crazy and you might even loose a limb before you know it.

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