Davy Jones and Clanker

Original MSRP: 14.99
Toy Number: 1042

Clanker & Davy Jones

This is a really surreal set, when you think about it.

First you have Davy Jones, an undead Pirate with a peg leg, crab hand and a squids face.
Clanker & Davy Jones

Then you have Clanker, another pirate-zombie guy who lugs around a set of clanking metal balls.

Clanker & Davy Jones

Packaged with the set is a ZOO of creatures, including

  • Parrot
  • Snake
  • Rat
  • Crabs (3)

Clanker & Davy Jones

Davy Jones and Clanker are cheap fun if you want some weird crap on your desk.