
Original MSRP: 7.99

So there I was perusing the isles for some new Generations figures expecting to be disappointed with the usual variety of boring offerings, when out of the corner of my eye, I see some eye catching packages. “Oooh” I thought, the new Dark of the Moon figures are out. Too bad I don’t like movie figures. My eyes shift and I catch a glimpse of the DOTM Cyberverse Powerglide! I swear my forearm shot out like rocketpunch action to grab it before anyone else did. Although it’s highly doubtful since I was the only one in the isle and it looked freshly stocked. However, this was the only Powerglide to be seen.

After I violently ripped Powerglide out of his package I felt a warm tingle inside. Although this is a new rendition of Powerglide, it is unmistakeably Powerglide. Colors and alternate mode are just right.

Granted he has a movie-style face, but hey, it’s still Powerglide.

His weapon is made out of his wing mounted missiles which must be folded and snapped together to form this gun.

He is rather pose-able due to some well places ball joints. I like that they use nice rivets on the arms to keep things nice and tight. Not digging the pointy foot and high-heels look though. But hey, it’s still Powerglide.

Transformation into his A-10 Warthog inspired alternate mode is simple, but I got caught having to look at the instructions the first couple of times. The arms always confused me. The transformation is rather clever for it’s simplicity. Here is his alternate mode. Check. Out. The. Landing. Gear. Yes, he has sweet little landing gear! Simply use your nail to deploy.

The end result is rather clean, there is minimal leftover “kibble” so it is not immediately obvious that it is transformable. Even the undercarriage bares little evidence that there is more than meets the eye…

So if it wasn’t obvious, I like Powerglide. He was one of my childhood G1 toys, so he holds a special place in my robot-loving heart. Fortunately for me and many others who like him, he is now available as a new release at an affordable price.