
Providus comes from the sentai series Timeranger. In the US he is known as the Transwarp Megazord from Power Rangers Time Force. This toy was not released in the USA.

As part of the Provider Base DX set, Providus could basically launch the Time Jets by punching them through a vortex. The toy features a punching action, but basically does nothing else.

I never had the base, just this robot, so my information is based on pictures I have seen. It appears Providus stands on the corner of the base and a lever evokes a punching action. You can also take part of the launch gate off of the base and apply it to Providus’s chest. Providus does not appear to be able to combine with any other robot in the series.

DX Providus

DX Providus

DX Providus

DX Providus

Provider Base DX

DX Providus