Saint Kaiser
In Stage 34- “Bond of Courage” in the series, Wolzard is unexpectedly & shockingly revealed to be the lost Magitopia champion Blagel. Not only that, but this also makes him father of the five Oz siblings, whom they thought had died in the war fifteen years earlier! He changes into his human form, Izamu, and teleports them all to the surface of Infershia. There, he explains that he had been trying to seal the Infershia from the inside, but because of damage done in the final battle by the traitorous Sky Saint Raigel, it left open the opportunity for Emperor N.Ma to transform him into the loyal Madou Knight Wolzard, and blocked out his real memories. But before the five siblings have a chance to absorb all of this, Memmei and Vancuria take Blagel back into Infershia, and unleash the meshed Chimera creature once more on the MagiRanger. Just in the nick of time, MagiShine and Lunagel arrive riding a Majuu Unigolon- a legendary horned horse that can freely travel between Marudeonna universes, Magitopia, and the real world. The Unigolon takes the MagiRanger back to the real world; the two Sky Saints, however, chose to remain behind to settle the score against the traitor Memmei. Chimera follows the MagiRanger and grows to gigantic proportions. While the others are still weakened with grief and shock, MagiRed impatiently and aggressively transforms himself and Unigolon into their giant forms and then into Tenkuu Gattai Saint Kaiser. MagiDragon soon follows and is overpowered by Chimera, but Saint Kaiser, in a rage, is able to defeat the monster. Sadly, no sooner does he do that when Mahou Gattai WolKaiser appears, and the two engage in a heated battle… avenging youngest son against cursed trapped father. Since Saint Kaiser appeared in the OVA movie as well, which had no real continuity with the series, there is no way to tell which version is the ‘correct’ version. However, for the sake of less confusion, I will use the series as basis for this review, since it was more important to the plot that way than it was in the movie.
Maagi Magi Magika! [change- soldier- element]
To the uninitiated or untrained eye, Tenkuu Gattai Saint Kaiser is virtually identical to its dark counterpart, Majin Gattai WolKaiser. There are several differences, other than just its coloring:
- Saint MagiPhoenix (back) is nothing but a repaint of the MagiPhoenix figure from the DX Majin Gattai MagiKing (sold separately). The silver on its legs, metallic blue for its belt, and the artistic ‘M’s on both its chest and head have been repainted gold. There is also a small diamond on his forehead that was originally painted gold that has been left the original red color of the hard PVC plastic. Aside from these few paint alterations, MagiPhoenix and Saint MagiPhoenix are exactly the same. Saint MagiPhoenix forms half of the chest of Saint Kaiser.
- The Majuu Unigolon (back) is fairly close to the dark Majuu Barikion, but there are differences other than coloring. The most obvious one is that Unigolon’s head has been redesigned to incorporate a long unicorn’s horn with an ‘M’ molded on either side, and a screw-like pattern running across it’s length. Its mane has also been changed, with the screw pattern running its length as well. The tail has been re-sculpted to make it curve in a different angle. While the color of the plastic has been changed from black to white, some very minor paint apps were changed as well, such as removing silver paint from all four lower legs and leaving them the natural white of the plastic. Unigolon forms the head, torso, part of the chest, arms, legs, and weapon of Saint Kaiser.
As MagiPhoenix did with Barikion, Saint MagiPhoenix can ride atop Unigolon in an unnamed configuration; there are no reins for the toy to grasp like there are in the both the movie and series. Because MagiPhoenix wielded the Phoenix Sword, Unigolon’s horn was designed to detach so that Saint MagiPhoenix would be provided with a sword as well. However, the unnamed sword was not used or mentioned in the show or movie.
Maagi Magi Giruma Jinga! [change- soldier- power- combination]
“When light and flame become one, the holy Majin will [now] appear!” Saint Kaiser, in channeling Kai Oz’s rage and raw determination, proves to be a powerful opponent against the multi-faceted and multi-faced Chimera. While he may not have had absolute control over the Unigolon’s power, it was enough to destroy the monster. Then when WolKaiser appeared, Saint Kaiser dueled against him to an unprecedented but much-anticipated stalemate. Like WolKaiser, he wields a double-blade staff composed of Unigolon’s mane, neck and head & horn. With it, Saint Kaiser can perform the Saint Horn Finish- where he jumps high into the air, and impales the unicorn horn into his enemy. Tenkuu Gattai Saint Kaiser (back) now more closely resembles Yuujou Gattai FireKaiser because of the similarity between Unigolon & Barikion, and Saint MagiPhoenix & MagiPhoenix. There are still differences… Saint Kaiser has a golden ponytail with a smaller unicorn horn on his forehead, and a red-&-gold phoenix-like emblem over his face around his green eyes. There are also two bronze stallions emblazed on his shoulders. The unnamed double-sided staff is also nearly identical to FireKaiser’s, except for Unigolon’s head and golden PVC horn. However, Saint Kaiser’s long ponytail-like queue is shaped differently, adding the smaller unicorn horn which unfolds from his forehead, and a new face design. The mane, also, was changed and has the screw-like pattern woven around it instead of the layered armor blade FireKaiser has on his.
Sets suggested for these combinations:
DX Densetsu Gasshin MagiLegend
DX Tenkuu Gattai Saint Kaiser
Because Saint Kaiser and FireKaiser are nearly identical, what one can do, the other can do as well; and that is the chest swapping and riding features common to almost all of the DX “MagiRanger” line. Though never seen on the show, this means that: Saint MagiPhoenix can:
- ride on top of MagiDragon
- ride on top of Barikion
- ride on top of MagiLion
- be combined with MagiFairy to form an alternate chest for the MagiKing (though it would look no different when combined)
- be combined with MagiFairy to form an alternate chest for the Travelion
- be combined with Barikion to form an alternate chest for the FireKaiser (though it would look no different when combined)
- be combined with Barikion to form an alternate version of the WolKentauros
- be combined with Unigolon to form an alternate version of the WolKentauros
MagiPhoenix can:
- ride on top of Unigolon
- be combined with Unigolon to form an alternate version of the WolKentauros
- be combined with Unigolon to form an alternate chest for the Saint Kaiser(though it would look no different when combined)
the Head Train from Travelion can:
- be combined with Unigolon to form an alternate chest and head for the Saint Kaiser
Wolzard can:
- ride on top of Unigolon
- be combined with Unigolon to form an alternate version of the WolKentauros
- be combined with Unigolon to form an alternate chest, head, and weapon for the Saint Kaiser
It is this last point that needs clarification- Wolzard merging with Unigolon. Because Wolzard also shares a similar shape with Saint MagiPhoenix, and Unigolon is nearly identical to Barikion, an alternate white & gold version of WolKaiser can be formed. Bandai did not intend for there to be a rotating face under Unigolon’s jaw like there is on Barikion. So instead, they designed a single, non-moving piece to represent a ‘face’. This is because MagiPhoenix and Wolzard have different neck structures for FireKaiser and WolKaiser, respectively. And so here, since Wolzard requires the horse head for his combination, Bandai placed an alternate ‘face’ under Unigolon’s jaw so that he wouldn’t need Barikion’s. Also, since Unigolon’s head is needed for the alternate WolKaiser, his tail becomes useless, so it is incorporated into the staff, giving it a wicked golden sheppard’s hook on one end, and Unigolon’s mane on the other. This makes it look near-identical to the Bari-Javelin used by WolKaiser. For those of you wondering what the differences are between the DX Tenkuu Gattai Saint Kaiser from “Mahou Sentai MagiRanger”/”MagiRanger- The Movie: The Bride of Infershia“, and its English-speaking counterpart, the Deluxe Steedergon Fury Megazord from “Power Rangers Mystic Force”, I have stunning news… There are no differences-! They are perfectly identical in every way except in packaging and instructions! Actually, the Steedergon Fury Megazord is about $30.00 less since it’s not imported directly from Japan. All paint apps, materials, and moldings are exactly the same, and there are no decals for either toy. For 2006, you need not have to worry about importing the rare DX Saint Kaiser unless you are concerned about its connection to the “MagiRanger” line and the packaging. (And, if you already paid for an expensive import like I did, I completely sympathize…) Additionally, Bandai America never released the DX WolKaiser in American toy stores due to marketing strategies. They said that the black robot would not sell very well, though they thought that they may have released it later in 2006 as a store-exclusive; alas that never came to pass.
To be honest, Tenkuu Gattai Saint Kaiser actually looks a little meaner to me than WolKaiser; this white devil with a golden spear, flaming soul and racing heart. I didn’t get it just because it was just a movie-exclusive release or repaint. It has a different aura to it, and has its own look aside from WolKaiser. I completely recommend getting it… (Although, between just you and me, I’d go with the Deluxe Steedergon Fury Megazord because it’s exactly the same toy, but cheaper, and you don’t have to pay for those expensive S&H costs.)
On a more personal note, as this is my last “MagiRanger” review for CDX, I want to give my special thanks to Siu-Wai, owner of Kicks Hobby-Japan (ships across US only), for holding onto this set for me even though he was out of stock. I got all of my DX “MagiRanger” sets from his only physical store (located outside Northgate Mall in northern Seattle, Washington), and I will continue to shop with him.