Galient comes from the Anime Series, Panzer World Galient, which aired in Japan from 1984-1985. This is one of 2 Joint model figures, 1/100 scale toys that come disassembled. The toy, once put together, is about 6 inches tall and comes with a large chrome sword. Galient can also transform into a bird mode, but it is kind of lame and not worth showing here.
The Joint Model name comes from a series of small black plastic joint connectors that are used to plug the various pieces together. The fit is tight – you have to use a lot of force to get the parts together. The finished toy is sturdy, and the diecast feet give it a little weight. Still, the Galient feels more like a model than a toy.
The box has some beautiful artwork and is graced with the signature of the designer; Kunio Okawara (Gundam, Votoms, Dougram). They styrofoam tray has a spot for each component, but be aware that some small parts, like the white wings, often break free of the styrofoam and are lost.
If you like Okawara’s designs, you might like this toy. It’s OK, but not great. I found the articulation limiting, and the lack of detail to be a turn off. How much you like this character really is what will decide whether you get it or not.