Guyver 1
Max Factory has just released their newest figma, and this one is BIO BOOSTED!
So, from the hit manga and anime The Bio Booster Armor Guyver comes GUYVER 1! I’m not going to pretend to know much about the manga and anime since I never bothered to read or view much of it growing up, but let me tell you that the two live action Guyver movies are two of my all-time favorite movies. Those films shaped me as a young kid almost as much as Power Rangers did. And even though those films are completely American, I still consider them tokusatsu masterpieces. I could gush all day about how much I love Guyver and Guyver: Dark Hero, but I’ll get on to the toy.
Guyver 1 looks right. It’s very curvy and stylized like the anime and manga, and all the paint and sculpted detail is crisp and clean.
I really like it.
Guyver’s articulation is really great as well since it is a figma release. He is nothing but ball-joints and swivels for DAYS, and I really love the figma joints in the elbows and knees. They do a lot of work, and feel great to move around.
Guyver 1 also comes with a bunch of accessories. He has the usual figma mountain of hands, short and extended arm blades, two chest pieces, the Guyver Unit, and a stand! He even comes with a spare wrist joint in case you lose one.
I like that he comes with two different chests, because one can be used for opening up to reveal his man boobies, and the other can be used for general posing.
This brings me to one of my only gripes: I thought his manbreasts were supposed to be gold? Maybe I’m wrong, but I wasn’t expecting them to be silver.
Anyway, it doesn’t bother me because I never pose him that way. It feels dirty.
It’s also neat that Guyver 1 comes with holding-things hands even though he doesn’t have anything to hold to my knowledge. I just had to make something up.
So there you go. Guyver on the Cyclone.
Anyway, this is a really nice set. Guyver comes with everything he needs to be awesome, and looks great to boot! I highly recommend him for any Guyver fan. I can’t wait to see what else Max Factory cooks up in the figma lab, because I’d love to see the other two Guyvers and some Zoanoids. And a Mark Hamill demon ant. Mostly Mark Hamill.