Transformers Knight Commander

Original MSRP: 184.99
Toy Number: KM-01

Today I will be reviewing Master Mind Creations KM-01 Knight Morpher Commander.

The sample for this review was supplied by our good friends over at Big Bad Toy Store. Please check them out to get this toy or something else from their huge in-stock supply of toys and collectibles.

The Knight Morpher Commander may look very familiar to you, as it should. It actually is Optimus Prime from the IDW comics miniseries, The Transformers Evolutions: “Hearts of Steel”. I am not actually sure of the reason why this figure isn’t named by the correct name but, you can almost bet it is because of a licensing issue. Enough of the background, onto the review!

Let’s start off with the box. The box is actually very plain, mostly black with a picture of the enclosed figure’s head adorning it as seen below. The box does state that this is a collectible figure and that it is recommended for ages 18+. I actually have never encountered this before and it made me chuckle a little. I know the 18+ statement is probably on there so the manufacturer can avoid safety testing but, unfounded thoughts of lead paint, etc…, raced through my head.

Knight Morpher Commander

Upon opening the box we are greeted with the figure in its locomotive mode encased in a clear plastic resealable clam-shell. I really like the use of the clam-shell style packaging, as it allows you to put everything back for that Mint In Box feel that collectors love.

Knight Morpher Commander

Let’s talk about the Locomotive/Train mode. In this mode the KM-01 has a real steam-punk, industrial-age look that, in my opinion, looks really badass! The dark red, blue, and gray just perpetuate the ominous, blocky look of this mechanical titan. The paint detail is pretty good, as you can see from all angles in the next four photos below. I especially like the look of the paint application to the rear door, ladder, and the round porthole type window.

Knight Morpher Commander

Knight Morpher Commander

Knight Morpher Commander

Knight Morpher Commander

Like most Optimus Prime incarnations, this KM-01 Optimus consists of two parts: an engine and tender, mimicking the ubiquitous cab, and trailer.

Knight Morpher Commander

Knight Morpher Commander

Looking at the trailer/tender, notice the silver paint on the side. You may notice that this stripe looks very much like the blue stripe on the side of the G1 Optimus Prime trailer. Optimus comes with a second set of fists that are used for holding his weapons at a different angle than the fists that are included affixed to the figure. These extra fists can be stored on the trailer’s/tender’s bottom as shown in the third photo below.

Knight Morpher Commander

Knight Morpher Commander

Knight Morpher Commander

Now, what good would Prime’s trailer be if it couldn’t unfold and transform? As you can see below, The KM-01 doesn’t disappoint! It opens up to reveal a huge cannon. The cannon can be raised and lowered, moved side to side, and it also is able to slide forward and backward. The cannon can also be disassembled and turned into Prime’s jousting lance and jet packs. The front bulkhead of the trailer becomes Prime’s shield.

Knight Morpher Commander

Knight Morpher Commander

Moving along to Optimus, the transformation is very easy (as shown in the video below). The figure joints are very tight and clicky, allowing Optimus to hold a wide range of poses. Optimus stands at almost 7″ tall in robot mode and has some great details. Some of the detail highlights are the Matrix of Leadership within his chest, and the painted gear details on the inner calves. Oh, and let’s not forget all the cool little rivet heads that can be found all over the figure. My only real gripe about this figure (as I mention in the video) is that the piece above the eyebrow on my figure came separate, packaged in with the directions. This piece pops off rather easily, which led me to glue it in place. For the life of me, I do not understand why this wasn’t done by the manufacturer.

Knight Morpher Commander

Knight Morpher Commander

Knight Morpher Commander

Knight Morpher Commander

Knight Morpher Commander

As I mentioned up above, the cannon and other parts of the trailer/tender become Prime’s, jousting lance, jet-pack, and shield. His gun is formed from the engine’s smokestack, shown in the next five photos below. Check out the posability! The KM-01 Knight Morpher Commander looks fantastic when posed dynamically.

Knight Morpher Commander

Knight Morpher Commander

Knight Morpher Commander

Knight Morpher Commander

Knight Morpher Commander

I think the KM-01 Knight Morpher Commander is a very posable, cool, and unique collectible. I encourage Transformers fans to pick one up. You can grab one now by going to Big Bad Toy Store and placing your order today!