The new cartoon Transformers Robots in Diguise (take two) has several newcomers to the franchise. One of them is Fixit, a multi-purpose minicon who joins up with Bumblebee and his team when they get to Earth. He’s probably my favorite character in the series, so I picked up his Legion-class toy, and I’m very pleased with it.
Fixit feels just right as a Legion-class toy, as in the series he’s depicted as shorter than most humans, so he fits right in with the rest of your collection. I’m not sure why they gave him drills instead of his normal appendages, it makes him look more like a Mega Man boss than a Transformer.
My absolute favorite part of this toy is the face, it’s probably one of the most expressive Transformer faces ever.
Fixit’s very articulated for someone with no legs, his arms can swing around to any angle and his elbows can bend a full 90 degrees.
Fixit’s alt mode, which I don’t even recall him using in the series, is a simple four-step transformation. Small wheels on his arms allow him to roll around freely in this mode.
For a six-dollar toy, Fixit is incredible, he’s loads of fun to play with. He’s fairly easy to find so if you see one at your local store I’d definitely recommend you take a look.