Guyver II
Created in 1985 by Yoshiki Takaya, The Guyver is an ongoing manga series written over nearly 30 years, the timeline in the manga however is around 3-4 years. The Guyver series has had 2 animated series, a 12 episode series that ran from 1989-1992, roughly based on the first 4 volumes, and in 2005 a 26 episode series based on the first 10 chapters and is a lot more faithful to the manga than the 12 episode series. The series has had an animated feature film titled “Guyver: Out of Control” in 1986 and two live action American films, “The Guyver” released in 1991 and “Guyver: Dark Hero” in 1994.
The Guyver units are techno-organic devices that attach to a host and gives them super human abilities and weapons. The second Guyver unit was Damaged in an explosion and then later recovered and activated by Chronos Inspector Oswald A. Lisker. Guyver 2 had the same abilities and weapons as Guyver 2 and Guyver 3, but due to damage to the units Control Medallion (the silver orb on the forehead), Guyver 2 was killed in his first battle with Guyver 1. The armor began to consume the body of Inspector Lisker, at this point, Guyver 1 used his Mega-Smasher to destroy Guyver 2.
Guyver 2 stands at around eight inches, for accessories the figure comes with a set of small High Frequency Blades and a set of the longer Blades. It also comes with three sets of hands similar to the hands that came with Guyver 3, the standard display stand is also included in the set.
Like Guyver 1, Guyver 2 comes with an un-activated Guyver unit, but this one has a dent in the Control Medal in the middle of the unit, the figure itself also has this dent in its Control Medal which is faithful to the character design. I didn’t spot the damage to the Control Medal on the figure and the separate Guyver unit until a year ago, but i love the attention to detail. In the picture below the dent is on the left of the center orb.
The head design for this character is unique among Guyver figures in that its asymmetrical, it only has one air vent on the right side of the figures face, on the left of the face are the Sonic Emitters. The dent in the Control Medal (located on the forehead) can be seen in this picture, its on the left.
Like many figures in this line, they can be fragile, while changing the High Frequency Sword over on the left arm the peg that holds it in broke off, i haven’t been able to fix it so now that blade is held in
with Blue Tak. Even with the fragility and damage, I’m still very happy with these figures and i do recommend them to fans. These days it can be hard to find figures in this series and the often go for $200 or more on eBay.