Y’know, looking back at our coverage of Glyos toys, we have next to nothing on Sarvos! Poor guy! Even the Crayboth got a cool News article. Sorry, Sarvos.
If it makes ya feel better, folks, go here, and pick yourself up a Standard Sarvos! Better yet, head to the Rocket North booth at the New York Comic-Con 2009 this weekend, meet Matt Doughty of Onell Design, and pick yourself up a handful of Sarvos’, Phanosts, and other Glyos figures!
Anyway, enough with Sarvos. We’re already set for the next big thing: Phanost!
These three hot new offerings from Onell are excellent additions to your Glyos army! First, on the left, we have Hybrid Phanost. He’s shot in Standard Pheyden colors/panel lining, with additional intricate black panel lining on his head. He uses the Exellis pelvis, but he sports the hot, new-style chest that has an added panel line down the front and a female connector (hole) on the back to accommodate a backpack, weapon mount, or any other type of weirdness ya wanna stick there!
Next, in the middle of the group shot is Standard Phanost. From the neck down, he’s shot in black PVC, but with translucent grey upper arms and upper legs. Again, he sports the new chest and Exellis pelvis (Exellis pelvis…just rolls off the tongue, huh?). Ah, but from the neck up, that’s all glow PVC! Only his eyes are painted green.
Finally, on the right in the group shot is Core Phanost. Obviously, we’ve got a black head, upper arms, and upper legs, while everything else is translucent orange. His eyes are painted white. Very nice!
Now, if you notice, these guys aren’t in the Onell store yet. …Or are they?
By all means, if you have the opportunity, head over to NYCC09 this weekend. Not only will Phanost be there, but there’ll be a few other surprises from our friends at Rocket North and Rawshark Studios!
Believe me! You will not regret it!
Okay, okay…I’d be amiss if I didn’t leave you with at least one glow shot! Here’s an all-glow Phanost, consisting of a Standard Phanost head and a glow version of the new-style Pheyden chest: